A trick for dealing with procrastination

Sometime I have a hard time dynamiting myself off the couch and into action. Sure, I have a list of stuff to do, and I know it needs to be done. Even reviewing that list doesn’t always get me moving.

But if I instead of titling it “Things I need to do” or “Next actions” (for you GTD fans) I title it “Things I’ll be glad I did” there’s see a difference. Now instead of doing it for some unnamed reason or person, I’m doing it for me – and the point is to make me happy. It’s also more than saying “Things I need to do to make me happy” because it’s stating they will make me happy. So, the net result is that instead of doing some boring thing to satisfy some “other” I’m instead arranging for my future self to be happy. It works.

I am continuously amazed at the weird pathetically simple-minded tricks that work on me.

Author: Steve

Overthinking geeksturbator in the Bluegrass.

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