I’m getting back on the web after being away. Writing about audio, blogging, and other stuff.
Why the DJI Mic 2 doesn’t work as a standalone purchase
Just got the DJI Mic 2 to use as an everyday recorder, but after a short trial I determined it doesn’t really work without a receiver, which cannot be bought separately. The unit records fine, and sounds ok. But the…
Recording decent audio while cycling
So I decided to try to figure out a way to record audio while riding a bike. And what I mean is, like, podcast style audio, not so much the sounds of the bicycle itself. I got to thinking about…
Dear Bandcamp and musicians selling there
As I’ve gotten back into music, I’ve finally figured out why I got out of it. Streaming sucks. I’m not talking about the quality, or things that disappear, or that so little is paid to the artists, which are all…
Conservatory Ambience
My middle child had an audition at a music conservatory and as part of that was invited to a rehearsal of a quartet. I waited in the very reverbient lobby, but the quartet was audible so I recorded some of…
The case for handheld mics
Here’s why every field recording hobbiest should own a decent handheld dynamic omnidirectional interview mic: They’re inexpensive. A really good one might be $220 new if you go for the long-handled neodymium magnet high-output ones, but most are $100-160. For…
Some Newfoundland motivation
youtube.com/watch A bit drone-happy, but a lot of beautiful shots.
How Did You Digitize Your Journals?
Editor’s note: I also posted this on my other blog at RecordingThoughts.com, but my reboot of that blog is a bit further behind so I’m posting here as well. My apologies to those who follow both. I’ve got about 35…
The fear of accomplishment
I was listening to The Walk by Father Roderick, a podcast that I never thought I’d be listening to but is actually really good, and the episode was May 19, ’23, What Needs Pruning In Your Life? The episode talks…
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