How We Celebrate Holidays

This is a prompt from the kind folks at, which I’m using to deal with some writer’s block

Here’s a few:


The birthday person decides what’s for dinner and where. Usually there are some gifts – for the kids for sure, for my wife and I? Usually.


We’ve gone back and forth between fake vs real trees. We bought an eye-wateringly expensive real tree at a farm in North Carolina coming back from a trip to Florida one year. It stayed green so long I was tempted to plant it in the yard. Last year we bought one from a local lot and it was fine.

Gifts are opened Christmas morning except for one gift on Christmas Eve, which is always matching pajamas. Yes, I end up wearing (technically) women’s PJs some years so they match because I am that nice of a husband for my wife who wants a cute family photo with all of us matching.

Food tends to be catch as catch can, and some years it’s been fancy, and some it’s been frozen pizza.


When the kids were little we went trick or treating of course. Now the kids will hand out candy to trick or treaters.

One year I left the bowl of candy on our doorstep so I could go to the bathroom – I heard a shriek of laughter and when I came back the bowl was empty. I more or less hate Halloween.


So far, I think the best Thanksgiving I’ve had is one where we stayed home and the kids cooked. Everyone was happy and joyful.

Others have included the death of my father in law, a lovely trip to Florida, and various family get-togethers that are usually a good time. Aside from the death, the only really bad Thanksgiving I had was when we tried to host it, and it ended up being what people call a “marital growth” moment.

4th of July

Used to be fun, but is now kinda meh, if not outright dangerous. Lots of people like to shoot their guns here, into the air (google that to understand why it’s a problem) and those that aren’t shooting guns are setting off fireworks, all mostly while drunk. Great day to stay indoors. The last few we’ve been traveling or within days of a trip so no real celebrating.

At one time, for a few years, we celebrated the day after 4th of July as Breakfast in Bed for the Kids Day. I can’t recall exactly why that didn’t take off.


3 responses to “How We Celebrate Holidays”

  1. They shoot their guns on the 4th here too, and New Year’s Eve. It’s pretty stressful.

  2. Writer’s block is the state of paralysis of the creative right brain. It has to be jump started. My unclogging happens when I hike or climb a mountain, somewhere along the way something kicks it open. My recent release Picketpost Mountain Affair (Amazon Paperback/or/ eBook) was had been in ER until for weeks. Then suddenly when I started to scramble up the ‘death chute’ the entire plot, characters came alive!

  3. I highly recommend a streneous hike to get the writing juices back to flowing.

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