SBS004 Blogging tools

Went for a walk and recorded my thoughts on the blogging tools available in 2024, and how well they fit for folks doing a general purpose personal blog.

How do they handle multiple topics, integration with the Fediverse, Value 4 Value?

Is WordPress still the best option?

V4V blogging?

Is there such a thing as Value 4 Value blogging?

If you haven’t heard of it, but you probably have, Value 4 Value is a monetization method where you simply ask the consumers of your content to contribute back in one or more of three ways: Time, Talent, or Treasure. The amount is what they feel the content is worth.

This is gaining traction mainly on YouTube and Podcasting, but I don’t see why it couldn’t work in blogging as well. Except that it requires a slightly different form & call to action from a normal subscription.

Anyone know of a blog that’s doing Value 4 Value?