Author: Steve Duncan

  • A trick for dealing with procrastination

    Sometime I have a hard time dynamiting myself off the couch and into action. Sure, I have a list of stuff to do, and I know it needs to be done. Even reviewing that list doesn’t always get me moving. But if I instead of titling it “Things I need to do” or “Next actions”…

  • The skill I’d like to learn

    What skill would I like to learn? Very easy: Best-selling mystery novel writing. Specifically, writing the kind of mystery novels that result in owning a house like the one in Knives Out, only without the squeaky floors and scads of ungrateful blood-sucking relatives, but yes to the adorable nurse (minus lie-puking though). Now, on the…

  • The brands I associate with

    One of the saddest things about the evolution of blogging is that so many folks have abandoned it as a platform for personal expression and what’s left is folks using it for brand building. Everything is about the brand, and hence we have this prompt from WordPress today. I believe we are at a time…

  • Things I could do more of

    Exercising. Practicing gratitude. Executing on ideas. That last one is the hardest. There are so many, choosing which to focus on it difficult, and it’s always really hard to tell when it’s just not working. Coming up with ideas is far easier, but unfortunately ideas aren’t worth much. Execution is where the satisfaction (and potentially…

  • My favorite album is…

    The album that no doubt has gotten more listens than any other is a double album, Dire Strait’s Alchemy. I’m a softie for concert/live albums, strange because I don’t go to many concerts, but imagining the venue, and the layout of the stage and whatnot from the sound it part of the fun. Later I…

  • Topics I’d like to be more informed about

    Where I left that thing I’ve lost something, and I’d like to be more informed about its location. The immediate future value of my investments Let’s say 48-72 hours or so. Just enough time to trade if necessary. What’s coming on Monday morning at work? On second thought, maybe this isn’t a good idea. Not…

  • Shure VP88 Thoughts

    On our recent road trip I wanted to bring a recorder, and the focus was going to be the family and audio journal entries. A handheld recorder would be the obvious choice, but there are some reasons to avoid them: I like using a reporter’s stick mic, but that isn’t stereo and often I like…

  • What my life would be like without music

    Cheaper No guitars, no other instruments. No lessons. Less audio gear, no marching band fees, no instruments for the kids, no family piano (where would the cat sit to look out the window?), no monthly Spotify/Apple Music bills. Harder I’m not a frequent listener of music. I find it distracting a lot of the time,…

  • How We Celebrate Holidays

    This is a prompt from the kind folks at, which I’m using to deal with some writer’s block Here’s a few: Birthdays The birthday person decides what’s for dinner and where. Usually there are some gifts – for the kids for sure, for my wife and I? Usually. Christmas We’ve gone back and forth…

  • NAS Troubles – Synology locked up

    Just now I got a message my NAS was unreachable. Not really the kind of message one wants to see from the box that holds all the data! This is the third time in recent memory (3-5 months?) and each time when I went to reset the NAS I’ve noticed that the #3 drive light…