Detoxify toxic inspiration

You have seen the post I’m talking about. It’s always a command that sounds so simple and valuable, but if you actually think about it, completely undoable.

Surround yourself with people who fight for you in rooms your not in

Sure. I’ll get right on that. A quick search for "Lexington KY"+people+(fight|advocate)+"for me|Steve"+"In rooms I'm not in"|"When I'm not there" turns up jack shit.

Folks, this is toxic inspiration. These types of messages litter social media. Posted by well-meaning folks and read by folks who need a bit of hope about finding a mentor, or people who are supportive of your dreams, or whatever.

These messages never have any practical advice or tips on how or where to find the people they’re telling you to find. Mainly because there isn’t any – it’s a matter of luck. That’s what makes it toxic inspiration. Instead of help, the reader is saddled with a new chore that cannot be accomplished. “The reason you’re being held back is you didn’t do the thing that I won’t help you do!” It’s victim blaming with a todo list.

“The reason you’re being held back is you didn’t do the thing that I won’t help you do!” It’s victim blaming with a todo list.

Here’s the value you should take from these posts:

Be for someone else the person they’re saying you need to find. That’s it.

Find a mentor! No, be a mentor for someone who needs one.

Find an advocate! No, bean advocate for someone who deserves one.

Find people who support your dreams! How about you just support someone else’s?

The real message: Be the person that message is telling you to find.


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